Insta movies

Sometimes, I get dragged down a rabbit hole with short films on Instagram. It’s been a bit of a challenging time these past few months and getting sucked into feelgood clips on Instagram has really helped lift my mood on several occasions. I’ve collected a few that have made me smile or laugh here…

Running in style:

About true love:

My son has done the following as well in the past, holding our beige cat Effoh up like Simba to show him off, singing “Aaaaah Zabenya….” (video will open in Instagram when you click on it):

And this is totally my daughter, with that exact same attitude, finding our black cat:

I love the clever plotting by this young woman and I love her partner’s reaction:

Speaking of clever, I adore this protest to a ‘no laptop’ rule in class:

It’s been a while since I’ve taken a German train, but I can still relate to this, especially since my brother got stuck in Germany on a Sunday almost two weeks ago due to a similar situation. We ended up picking him up as we were in the neighbourhood and crammed him into our already full car.

Real life problems when trying to communicate only online. Misunderstandings happen so easily:

Keanu Reeves does have a bit of a point here:

It’s almost the same calibre as this reply he once gave to Stephen Colbert, which is pure genius:

How to not cook spaghetti:

Yes, the following can really make me (as a wife) laugh as well!

Ah, a woman and her dog. Priorities, right?

I even discovered a few female comedians that I’d never heard of before. This “I’m an Empath” bit by Jackie Kashian really rung true for me.

Michelle Wolf seems quite well known but I’d never heard of her before. She apparently has a show up on Netflix and has even once done the White House correspondents dinner during the Trump years which apparently caused a lot of backlash that I had missed. I liked several of her videos but they won’t embed here, so here’s a video off YouTube on envying giraffes…

Or this little clip (taken off Twitter) of portraying historical women as millennials..

I also came across this comedian called Lau Ramoso in Canada, who is the daughter of a German mother and an Italian father. She’s starting out as a comedian and I really like this kind of cultural humour. I especially love her German mother videos. Here’s a video she did of her German mother taking her shopping (check out her other German mother videos on her page as well!):.

And a video of her Italian dad watching football:

Social media can really suck but it can sometimes also be a real mood lifter.

Funny Ronnie

Jack Benny was not a big name over here as far as I know and I have only vaguely been aware of him and his name as a comedian. I never heard or saw him in action until recently. He had his own comedy radio show in the 1940s which later became a TV show. While reading up on Ronald Colman’s life I also read about him and his wife Benita very succesully occasionally guest starrring on the Jack Benny show as Benny’s long-suffering neighbours in Beverly Hills.

The first radio episode Jack Benny made with the Colmans was an episode where Jack comes over to dinner. That same episode was later also filmed for the TV show and is up on YouTube. Jack Benny really was very funny and Ronald has great dry comedy timing, as does Benita.

I then also read that Ronald Colman winning his Oscar had been a theme on the Jack Benny radio show in the spring of 1948. I found the sound clips of that on YouTube as well. And they certainly make me laugh! I loved how Ronald spoofed his own career and spoofed the adoration of his Oscar and how very annoyed he gets with Jack Benny who even loses Colman’s Oscar! I edited out the Colman and his Oscar bits of the Jack Benny show (from two episodes) into one video. It’s a bit of a listen but if you need a laugh and don’t mind taking 28 minutes out of your day, I’d say it is well worth a listen! I made this video for my own personal use, then thought I’d try putting it up on YouTube and see if it is allowed. So far it’s up there without any restrictions…

I love the running gag of Jack stealing/’borrowing’ Ronnie’s things, I love how Ronald curmudgeonly reacts to Jack, I love how about 10 minutes into the video Ronald does some terrible acting in voicing a cowboy, I love how gleeful he gets in the second half of the video (at 19:50 minutes) at tricking Jack Benny and I love how he tries to get rid of him as quickly as possible.

I understand there are something like 20 Jack Benny shows that star Ronald and Benita. I will go in search of them as well, especially as I am confined to my room now for at least the next 24 hours. There is a real possibility that I too may finally have fallen victim to the Corona virus. Had the slightest of positives on an at home test earlier this afternoon and I have a PCR test appointment tomorrow morning.

Christmas tree & Talmudic law

Learning and questioning and arguing certain points of life, philosophy, theology, etc. are central elements of Judaism. The Talmud (Jewish law with countless commentaries on it) is made up of thousands of arguments rabbis have made about everything that governs life, it’s basically a sacred book (made up of several volumes) of arguments. In yeshivas (Jewish religious schools), the Talmud is studied and the endless laws and arguments are argued about. To give you a little idea, the kashrut (the dietary laws for eating kosher) alone are made up of 613 rules!

Historically, yeshivas have only been open to boys although nowadays in non-Orthodox Judaism women are allowed as well. In the 1983 movie Yentl, Barbra Streisand decided to dress up as a boy, just so that she could try to enter a yeshiva in early 20th century Poland to broaden her learning. Her happiness at being accepted into one is a beautiful moment of triumph in the movie. It also gives you a little glimpse at what a yeshiva looks like…

Anyway, all this yeshiva explaining is just the context for the video I actually wanted to show.

My sister shared a comedy video in our family group chat that is a couple of years old but that I’d never seen before. Watching this, you just know that the comedian, Elon Gold, must have attended a yeshiva himself as the arguing of rules and regulations in it is just so typically Jewish (useful to know before you watch this: “Shecht” = ritual slaughter / “Bracha” = a blessing)…

As someone who grew up around and with Jews and has Jewish family, this just feels so familiar and is really the funniest thing I have seen this Christmas season! I do wonder, however, if it as funny to people who are less familiar with Judaism. Regardless, I thought I’d share anyway, along with just about all the basic knowledge I have of yeshivas and Talmud. And hey, if you’re not familiar with Judaism, at least you’ll have learned something, i.e. it’s a good thing Jews don’t do Christmas trees. 🙂

TDH people doing nice things

Lemme start with Richard Armitage. I loved this video posted to Facebook today on the release of Ken Follet’s new book. Richard’s enthusiasm is so sweet! And he’s looking good too (oh man, I love that hair!)…

The only Ken Follett book I have ever read is Pillars of the Earth which I loved when I read it a long time ago. As this is a prequel to that, I think I may want to give this book a go too. I think Mr Esther will be intrigued as well. I’m also curious about which Follet book Richard is interested in adapting for the screen. Don’t think it would be Pillars as that was done a couple of years ago. I wonder how close that, whatever it is, is to becoming realized!

But Richard is not the only tall dark handsome (TDH) person that holds my attention. In recent weeks I have become more obsessed with Lucifer than I ever thought I could be and there are two TDH actors in there that preoccupy me. First of all, especially DB Woodside has stolen my heart, even more so after that ‘Blackfolx’ interview he did that I referred to in this post. And this picture below from when his now 11 year old daughter was a baby completely sealed the deal. He’s been separated from the mother for a long time but they seem to be co-parenting their daughter very nicely together. I love that.

I’ve been rewatching some of him on Suits and have been collecting pictures for my screen saver… He looks big and fierce but there’s just such a warmth, soulfulness and kindness there, it fills my heart.

Next to that, Tom Ellis also still holds my attention. The second part of Lucifer season 5 is yet to be released and apparently there is a musical episode coming up. Last weekend a sneak peak of one musical number from that episode was released and it looked fun!

And apparently this little moment within that number was improvised. Totally cracked me up!

And there’s also a new season 4 blooper reel that includes my two TDH Lucifer men…

The cast (and for me most notably Tom and D.B.) are very outspoken anti-Trump on social media which is what I’m loving as well. Bring on season 5B of Lucifer!

Of course, Tom Ellis also brings me back to Miranda. I have been re-watching all episodes and man, I still love that series (yes, even more than Lucifer). I also loved the ending of the show which can still bring me to tears and I still miss it and hope for more. Tom and Miranda have both hinted over the years that there possibly could be more one day where maybe they could delve into Gary’s (played by Tom) and Miranda’s married life, but as yet there are no fixed plans and Miranda hasn’t written anything yet. In the meantime, we Miranda fans must make do with occasional small Miranda and Gary reunions…

… and best of all, enjoy the 10 year Miranda celebration that was held in a theatre in London at the end of 2019…

Looking at all that makes me really long for even more (even though Tom Ellis right now looks more like Lucifer than Gary here)!

As Miranda too is TDH, I figured I could fit her into this post as well. I ordered two books by Miranda Hart yesterday evening and finally subscribed to Miranda’s mailing list after watching the whole show again. The welcome message I received in my inbox after signing up made me feel a little emotional (this quarantine is getting to me, I think)…

Miranda very much tries to be there for people with mental health issues, she especially tries to reach out to people who are lonely, and the warmth she exudes is just such a beautiful thing to me. Let there be more Mirandas in this world, please. Yes, I love my TDH people. 🙂

Sarah Cooper’s parodies

I came across this about a week or two ago, these videos have gone viral, and I think it’s my favourite parody of that guy in the white house ever.

This next one is a pretty accurate portrayal of someone talking out of his ass during a staff meeting. I’ve been in meetings like this before…

I am totally fascinated, I can’t stop watching and grinning at these videos. In a way these are tragic too as it beggars belief that these are the actual words of a world leader. It’s not just the words she mimics, it’s the added body language, the gestures, the looks. She’s so good.

Here an article about her in the LA Times, in case you’re interested, and she has a satirical blog too. I’m actually considering getting her 2021 calendar called Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings, seeing as I am in meetings pretty much daily and these tricks could really come in handy.

I’ve been thinking in terms of crushes for the last fortnight or so due to the fictional crush challenge I just finished and I think Sarah Cooper has just become my latest crush. I am so glad she’s not fictional.