Christmas and more dreaming

So, here it is: another online therapy session on my blog. Apparently I need to do this. Where with my father I have grieved more privately, apparently with my mother passing I need to share more or else I feel like I’ll explode. Feel free to skip if this downer of a post is not for you.

We had a very nice Christmas. Went to friends for dinner on Christmas Eve and then I met up with my younger brother to go to midnight mass in an Anglican-Episcopalean church in Rotterdam. It was a tribute to my mother who loved church services with English Christmas carols.

On Christmas Day Mr E made us a nice breakfast and late afternoon we went to my in-laws for dinner. On Second Christmas Day we went to my older brother J’s house, almost all siblings were there, we cooked together, my aunt took over the bible reading my mother always used to do and we had a very nice time together with merriment and laughs, just like my mother would have loved. Especially everyone breaking out in singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” at random times would have really made her laugh. However, hanging over it all, like a dark cloud, was how much we all missed not having mama there. Christmas was something we all very much associated with her, it was a feast she always loved making special.

I also had an extra someone to miss so very much: this is the first Christmas that Junior wasn’t home with us. He is in Lisbon and had to work over the holidays. He was especially missed at our festive Christmas breakfast table, where there were only 3 plates instead of 4.

Luckily video calling exists and we were able to talk to him several times and he did the rounds with the families on the phone.

Now it’s back to ‘normal’ life, things are starting to settle a bit after the rollercoaster month we had. Mr E and I decided to go pick out a floor for our new house, which we did yesterday. After that I went to my mother’s apartment to babysit her old cat Mieuw. My younger brother J is taking her with him to Germany after the holidays but for now she needed someone to be with her, so I stayed with her overnight…

Mieuw is used to having my mother around all the time and she really seems to miss her. Anyone who sits in my mother’s armchair will at some point have Mieuw to come and join them. The first few days she’d go to my mother’s bedroom and meow, I once even saw her meow at the chair. My brother used to live with my mother for a while so he and Mieuw know each other best and I am happy he is taking her with him. He returns here this evening and after New Year’s will take her with him to Germany.

Being at my mother’s house all alone for the night has also prompted me to dream very vividly again and again I feel the need to record these dreams. Not only about my mother but also about the family. So, here goes:

Dream 1

I’m on a train with family, my niece N is sitting opposite me with her boyfriend (which is weird because she is gay and doesn’t have a boyfriend or even a partner at this time). He then gets up and after a while walks by again, now dressed in a ceremonial military uniform with a marching band behind him, all to everyone’s delight. Somehow he is then marching with band outside and my older brother J follows in a car and my younger brother J follows along with another car pulling a caravan. I am sort of floating beside them, observing it all. Then I ask younger J, “Do you think he’s going to propose?” Older J says, “Maybe!” We ask the boyfriend, he had no such idea at first but says maybe in the future and does show us some fancy ring. We’re then back on the train again, including marching band and it’s all one big party.

Somehow the whole family goes back to some big hotel where we’re apparently all staying at. We all go to our rooms but I seem to have forgotten something and so go out again. I then need to rush back to the hotel, so I run to the hotel behind my younger brother J, who is apparently with me. He’s faster than me, I can’t catch up. He takes the wide stairs and runs up them, just as I enter the lobby. I see the elevator arrive, so jump in there, thinking I can beat him to our floor. I push 3 then think, no, I have to go to 2, so I push that. As I get to 3 first, the elevator doors open and at the end of the hall I see my dad sitting at a table close to the rabbi who led our mother’s funeral service. They have their heads together, looking over some papers. I go up to them and they welcome me. They then stand up and walk and the rabbi is looking at my dad very intently. “Are you sure?” he asks, tears in his eyes. My dad says, “Or course, that’s what friends are for.” My dad then walks to me, takes me aside and says to me, “The rabbi’s hotel is in trouble and I’m going to bail him out.” He seems to be looking to me for approval, tears filling his eyes. “You are such a generous person and good friend,” I say and tears start streaming down his face as he pulls me into a close embrace. This is remarkable to me, because I have never seen my dad cry this much.

Somehow I am outside again, in the hotel garden. My mother is sitting on a bench, my sisters and my sister’s partner M and I are standing around her. M has some sort of little speech about how extraordinary our family is and how extraordinary mama is to have achieved that and then she returns my mother’s wedding rings to her: my dad’s ring and her own, two rings together that she had been wearing around her finger ever since my dad passed away. The rings were taken off in hospital and we are now returning them to her. She is very moved as she puts both rings back on her finger and we are all very moved with her.

Dream 2

Mr E, younger J, older sister R and I are in Germany going into a church we all seem familiar with. There is some sort of market going on inside there. Outside in the distance we hear marching music. “Who actually likes to listen to marching music?” R asks. I reply, “It’s the way everyone likes to enter a church” and I start marching and swinging my arms as I enter the church. In a reflection behind me I see the others do the same and we are all in fits of giggles.

Somehow J is now sitting behind a reception desk inside the church, telling us where the good bits of the market are and where we can get coffee and cake. I hand him a €25 voucher for the coffee and tea and have a flashback to him giving me that voucher and me telling him he didn’t have to do that.

Dream 3

I come into this shop, a bakery maybe, that I seem to know well and also seems to be a daycare. They are under staffed and I jump in to help. It’s chaotic with children and selling goods and I work together with a nun, who I seem to be friends with. Is this possibly at a convent? I know I need to leave on time because I am meeting 3 ex colleagues for lunch at 12.30 pm. I somehow make it out of the bakery/daycare and run home to get changed but realize I’m never going to make it on time to Rotterdam because I need to still change clothes and pick up the car. I text them that I’ll be late, that I’ll get there at 1 pm. For some reason I need to return to the bakery/daycare and things seem to have gone haywire in my absence. So, I jump in again to help out, completely engrossed but feeling guilty because I don’t even have time to text my friends to tell them that I’ll be even later. At the end of the day I finally leave and run towards home again, passing through this picturesque convent garden. Another ex-colleague (but not one of the three I was going to meet) sees me running by and exclaims bitingly, “Way to go, standing up your friends like that!” As I run by I defensively say, “Don’t judge me! What do you know? My mother just died and I just had to help out with the chaos!”

It’s been a month and a day since mama was admitted to hospital and tomorrow will mark 3 weeks since her passing. It is still raw and I feel very much like this statue with a gaping hole in the middle.

Merry Christmas…

… to all who celebrate! My most fervent Christmas wish is for peace in the Middle East (it broke my mother’s heart to witness the situation there from afar) and Ukraine but I am not sure that wish will be heard or will be so easily fulfilled. So, on a more personal note to my dear readers, I also wish for your holiday to, at the very least, have love in it, in whatever form that may be.

May those who you miss the most be there in your heart and in your memories. My warmest wishes to you all! ⭐️🎄

Pickwick Papers Christmas & LOROS

Only now, after a very difficult and sad month, am I catching up to some of the Richard Armitage things I have been missing. The most touching of this for me has been Richard reading about Christmas from The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, in aid of Pancreatic Cancer UK. Pancreatic cancer is of course the terrible illness he lost his mother to (donations can be made to:, if you are so inclined).

The reading was posted in 4 clips on Twitter (X) on December 11th, 2023 and for a better flow of the reading I decided to stick the 4 clips together in one video, so as better to enjoy it. Here it is (underneath the video on YouTube you can also see links to the original 4 Twitter messages):

What really got to me was the part about loved ones from all over getting together (which is very true in my family as well) and from about 1:50 minutes onwards this part especially hit home:

“Many of the hearts that throbbed so gaily then have ceased to beat. Many of the looks that shone so brightly then have ceased to glow. The hands we grasped are grown cold. The eyes we sought have hid their lustre in the grave”

The hands we grasped… just like I held my mother’s until she fell asleep… This first Christmas without her is going to be so difficult… Thank you, Richard, for this touching performance.

In other charitable Armitage news, I also see that Sonja has donated the proceeds of this year’s December funRAiser to LOROS and that Richard has even acknowledged it.

I dropped the ball this year on promoting and signal boosting the fundRAising but I am glad I was able to even do a little bit and that the sum is such a beautiful one. Thank you yet again, Sonja, for all you do in this!

Christmas chaos (but fun)

Christmas has been very busy and a tad chaotic but it’s been fun for us.

We never used to do much on the 24th but a few years ago a close friend of ours lost first her father and then her mother to cancer and to make it all a little less lonely for her and her sister, we invited them over for Christmas Eve dinner. It’s now become a tradition of sorts for a few years (they bring dessert) and it’s always lovely having them. We keep it simple with table grilling but it’s still festive. A little slideshow picture impression of our December 24th (and yes, I blur faces of everyone except Mr E and myself).

Our Christmas Day on the 25th always starts with a brunch that Mr E prepares and after that we exchange a few gifts. In the afternoon my in-laws arrive for drinks and dinner and we celebrate Christmas with them.

Oh, and the cat too enjoys the gift unwrapping!

Boxing Day, or Second Christmas Day as it’s called in The Netherlands, is always reserved for Christmas with my family at my mother’s house. My mother does a reading and a little speech for all of us, we then unwrap gifts (we do Secret Santas instead of everyone getting everyone else gifts they don’t need), have a buffet dinner, there is always a lot of chatter and singing and dancing and we end with sparkles. This year, due to circumstance, it ended up with Mr E and myself doing most of the work regarding the food (from cake and coffee to buffet dinner), so it was pretty busy for us. But fun nonetheless.

Granted, we do need two days to recover! It all looks lovely and great and it really was, but we’ve had some challenges to deal with as well, which means we have been a little less resilient. It has made doing all this this year somewhat straining despite all my efforts to not make too much of an effort. So, despite all the fun and warmth, it does make me happy that the biggest chaos of hosting the holidays (and lets face it, we pretty much hosted three parties three days in a row) is now over and it’s time to just chill.

And speaking of chaos: yesterday morning my mother called me to tell me that at 1.30 am, she, my older sister and my younger brother (who are staying with her) were awakend by fire engines. Apparently there was a fire in the apartment below my mother’s and she could see flames outside her window! A fireman even came into her apartment to assess the situation below. Luckily it was quickly extinguished, turns out it had ‘only’ been a fire on the balcony below and no one needed to be evacuated. Phew! In the second picture below, it’s my brother and sister looking down at the action outside my mother’s front door.

Also yesterday I vowed to not take care of anyone for a change, although that didn’t quite go to plan as I unexptedly had to cat-sit my older sister’s cat (he loves attention) and accept the groceries in her flat that she had ordered online.

Today a little more chilling time with some time for blogging now. Junior is at work today (he badly injred his knee a few weeks ago, so we chauffeur him to and from work as he can barely walk), Mr E is reading a book I gave him for Christmas and mini me is chattering away with our cat in her lap. Most obligations must wait for a later time, like me having to send out the new family calendar (that I make every year) to family members who were not able to come. What’s an extra few days, right? Hopefully tomorrow.

I go cat-sitting again at the end of the afternoom before I pick up Junior (Mr E brought him this morning, I pick him up again) and this evening, after a leftovers dinner, we go see the new Avatar movie on an IMAX 3D screen. I’m glad I have another week and a half of Christmas holidays left. 🙂