The fun stuff

Fun item number one: I see Richard has updated his Twitter header…

I have written before about being very partial to nice priests in cassocks and that I’m looking forward to Richard playing one in The Man From Rome. I’ve not read the book yet (don’t know if I ever will) and I understand Father Quart does not wear a cassock but maybe he will at least wear a clerical collar just as in the image above? I’ll be happy with that too. By the way, I don’t think that’s Richard in that picture, do you? In any case, I’m glad the project really seems to be happening now.

Fun item number two: Julie Delpy shared this on her Instagram and I’m totally with her on that!

I’ve been volunteering at a Dutch centre for refugees, doing walk-in consultations where I help refuguees with paperwork and admin stuff (soooo much paperwork! Even confusing to me sometimes and I’m not a refugee, new to this country!). So far, the ones I’ve helped have been lovely. I can only do it for one afternoon a week and only recently have I been given my ”own” client from Eritrea who is a young adult, very independent and speaks Dutch well as he has been here for a few years. He doesn’t need much help, just occasional assistance, and he’s such a doll! I’m in awe of how well he is doing for one so young and how determined he is to make something of himself. I’d take 10.000 of him over any closed-minded, hard-hearted racist.

Fun item number three: I follow Mary Beard on Twitter. I quite like her, she’s a historian specializing on the Romans and makes programmes for the BBC. She shared this…

I love this idea! I know little about Boudica and I’m thinking of getting tickets to this online trial of Boudica event. It looks like a great way of making history more tangible.

Fun item number four: the final season of Lucifer is available on Netflix. Quite beautifully done, even had to wipe away a tear here or there, although I’m not sure I buy the Lucifer and Chloe plot thing that happens. I do love what happens with Amenadiel, though, and Ella is great in episodes 7 and 8 (episode 8 is nicely directed by D.B, Woodside, aka Amenadiel himself). Anyway, my absolute favourite on the show is the aforementioned D.B. Woodside as Amenadiel and he has been calling for fan art that he has been sharing on his Instagram stories and some on Twitter. And boy, are there some great talented artists out there! The ones I share here are some of my faves and all have Amenadiel in them…


And also some screenshots I took off Instagram stories…

It’s a pity Lucifer is over now but it’s good that they ended it where they did. I just wonder what D.B. will be doing next, I want to see more of him!

Been writing this inbetween work today and have now decided that both work for the week and this post are done. Time for the weekend to begin, hope you all will have a good one!


The final season of Lucifer (season 6) will air from September 10th. There’s a trailer of sorts, which is made up of material of all previous seasons except for the very last scene. It actually is a lovely little fan video…

After I saw that little promo, I also came across this Lucifer season 5 blooper reel…

… and from that I sourced this Tom Ellis gif, which I found amusing. It pretty much says ‘thanks for your attention but please let me read.’

It somehow makes me think of this Tom Hiddleston as Loki fan video someone made years ago about Loki not wanting to be disturbed while he’s reading a book. I just love this.

I can very much relate to that sentiment because once I really get engrossed in a book, I hate putting it down and I resent everything and everyone that keeps me from reading, that includes work, family or even sleep. It really is one of the reasons I don’t read as many books as I used to – I can’t always do so uninterrupted, so it often seems wiser not to start at all and keep my attention on things I can finish in an evening.

Anyway, what I really wanted to share was this gif I sourced from that blooper reel yesterday evening (one of those things I was able to finish without interruption and study on loop as well): a very sizzling D.B. Woodside. I just adore the twitch of the eyebrows at the end and how his eyes go from playful to, well, sizzling…

This makes me go a little weak in the knees. I must remember to use it often on evenings when I am not reading.

Socializing again

We had our first post-lockdown house guest: my 21 year old niece came to stay with us from abroad for 5 days, negative Covid tested and half-vaccinated (getting her second shot soon). She met up with some Dutch friends and of course came to see the family. It was good to reconnect again, especially for the cousins. My niece is studying at a university in South Korea and my daughter is already planning her trip to visit her there after she graduates high school next year.

After I dropped my niece off at the airport to fly home to my brother (her dad) yesterday morning, I drove to Delft to have my first post-lockdown lunch with two friends of mine. We hadn’t seen each other in over a year. No kisses and hugs hello, because you never know with high Covid infection numbers now, but a lovely outdoor lunch and time to catch up again in person.

A week and a half ago I also met up outdoors and socially distanced with 12 or 13 colleagues of mine for late afternoon drinks before the summer holidays start and next week I have a dinner planned with 3 ex-colleagues who have become friends. Although everything is happening with some distancing (except my niece’s visit), it feels like social life is picking up again. It’s lovely but also feels a little weird and I find I need a little time to adjust. Have I become even more introverted since the lockdowns started last year March? I find that while I’m really happy to see people again, I’m also really happy to come back home and crawl back into my own world again.

After I finish this post, I’m off to do some grocery shopping and then I think I’ll put the laptop away for a change and start crawling back into books again. Actor D.B. Woodside posted this on his Instagram stories…

…. and I’m thinking, yes, reading is a great idea! We have tried to make our kids read in the past as well but alas, it didn’t stick and they are not great readers now. Even I, who used to be a great reader when I was younger (before kids), have been neglecting my reading for quite a while now. Seeing D.B.’s daughter like that reminds me of my own childhood reading days and how I loved reading then and now I really want to disappear into a book again. Counterbalancing the socializing with reading seems like a great idea, no?

The fling list

The German blogger Die Singende Lehrerin has called for another blog challenge. I already participated in her Marry Me challenge a few months ago and figured this one would be fun as well. This time the challenge is to name 6 sexy fictional characters you wouldn’t mind diving into bed with. They aren’t supposed to be serious relationship material, just a bit o’ fun. This whole challenge is a little ‘thought expermiment’ as she calls it. So, it’s all about the character, not the actor, but for me the actor also very much helps with this thought experiment which means my thoughts mostly turn to characters portrayed by some of my favourite actors.

Before I get to my list, let me tell you that this is at the edge of my comfort zone as I am not a one-night-stand fling kinda girl in real life and so I never really think in those terms. In real life, if I’d want to dive into bed with someone, I’d want some longer-term potential attached to it and that transfers to my fangirl life as well. This doesn’t take away from the fact that there are some very sexy, fling-material characters out there that can also get into my head. So, here goes:

1- The first (and initially only) character that immediately sprang to mind was John Porter (Richard Armitage) in Strike Back series one, because well, someone so desperate for a lay to release some tension may be fun for a night and look at those arms – strong but not too much.

2- I really like but somehow don’t particularly fancy the actor Tom Ellis. However, his character Lucifer Morningstar in the TV series Lucifer might be a lot of fun to have a fling with, wings and all. He’s the king of flings and shows countless women a good time in bed, I suspect I could really learn something from him and have fun too…

3- Speaking of Lucifer, Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt) might be educational and fun as well for a little fling! I find her very beautiful, intense and sexy.

4- Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht) in Suits before he finally came to his senses and chose Donna, just because he oozes sexy, and self-assuredness and knows how to show a woman a good time.

5- Jareth the Goblin King (David Bowie) from Labyrinth, because of reasons I once posted about before. It’s the gaze and the…erm…long legs that would make me curious.

6- Last but not least: I watched this older series called Single Ladies a while back because D.B. Woodside was in it. It’s a bit like Sex and the City, which was OK but not a fave of mine and neither was this series. However, D.B. Woodside as Malcolm Franks, a rich playboy business guy with some shady deals but a good heart underneath, was very sexy. So, yeah, I’d pick him as well for a little fling-fun…

That’s it, that’s my (not really surprising if you read here regularly) list. If you, dear reader, have any suggestions/additions of your own, feel free to let me know in the comments or on your own blogs.

On an end note: the Marry Me challenge was far easier for me than coming up with this list of flings without longer-term potential. Maybe if I considered it more, I could come up with more, but for now, I’m quite happy and comfortable with my six flings.

Lucifer & a bit o’ Richard

So, this past weekend the second half of Lucifer season 5 dropped on Netflix. I didn’t really mean to binge the whole thing this past weekend but found myself doing so nonetheless. It was fun! I just loved Dennis Haysbert as God…

… and Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) remains my favourite, especially when he is allowed to show a lighter side to his earnest self.

In season 5B he struggled with what kind of a father he wanted to be and also had to make a difficult angel career choice. Of course, I also really enjoyed the other characters. Tom Ellis does a good job playing both Lucifer and his über-baddie twin Michael and Lucifer needed to find out if he was worthy, of giving love and also of becoming who he needed to be.

I think this was one of my fave scenes from 5B, which made me laugh…

I love most of the other characters too, like tech Ella (Aimee Garcia) who had to deal with some of her darker side, therapist Linda (Rachel Harris) finding her way through mothering an angel’s son (I wish there had been more Lucifer and God therapy with her), demon Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt) who struggles with having or not having a soul and Chloe’s daughter Trixie (Scarlett Estevez) who had some difficult things to deal with for one so young. I’ve never been a real fan of Chloe herself (Lauren German, even though she is the other lead) and Dan (Kevin Alejandro) was never a favourite either, although I did shed a tear due to a storyline concerning him.

Anyway, Lucifer season 5B was good and I was happy to get another D.B. Woodside fix. Looking forward to the final sixth season that has already finished filming but has yet to come to the small screen.

Speaking of fangirling, there was also the not so good this past weekend. I saw this image of Richard Armitage supporting the arts (which is good – the Royal Opera House in this case) on his instagram last night and, yeah, sadly that image (not so good) did nothing for me…


It is apparent to me that even the handsomest of people can take weird looking selfies (the man always does something really weird to his mouth when taking seflies) and I even did a double take to make sure it really was him. That aside, it’s really great that he can go out and about to support the arts again and he is apparently in London too, one of the best places to experience the arts…

May we all be so lucky soon!