Well, there you go…

My Richard Armitage birthday fundRAiser haul arrived in the mail today. I got the three buttons (I used to have a “distRActed” one but have lost it) in the Ebay auction and I figured as there were stickers left in the Etsy fundraiser, that it couldn’t hurt to get some of those too. All for a good cause.

As you can see in the picture, I have immediately put the stickers to use. The John Thornton “Look back at me” sticker has the perfect colouring to suit my e-reader, Harry Kennedy’s “Well there you go” jumper sticker colours very nicely with my laptop and Thorin Oakenshield’s “If this ends in fire we shall all burn together” felt very fitting for the back of my work phone!

Today is also the last day of my summer holiday. Mr E started work again today and I spent the day in bed, reading on my e-reader (that now has a lovely new sticker to adorn it). I have finished my book and have now transferred to the garden. Yes, I probably should have mowed the lawn or trimmed the bushes in our garden but somehow just reading on the last day of my holiday felt like a better thing to do.

Tomorrow I’ll start work with catching up on e-mails and then going in to the office to see what I can do for the big move of one of our libraries at the beginning of next week. We/I prepared all we could before the holiday, so I hope there won’t be much else to do except for posting stickers on the new book shelves to indicate where all the books should go after the move. We’ll see!

I hope the new bookshelves were indeed installed last week and lots of other stuff always seems to come up anyway. The moving dates and all the planning alone have changed something like six times before they became “definitive” in mid July. I’m also nervous for the computers that are supposed to be moved, i.e. the public catalogue search computer and the information desk computer. I was assured that the IT department is aware of the special configuration of those computers but I’ll only be convinced once I actually see it for myself. Also, the alarm detection gates will be installed from Thursday but there were some issues with the wiring and such which should have become resolved in the past weeks but who knows if that will have happened? The “if this ends in fire we will all burn together” feels very relevant for this project.

Anyway, enough about work, back to the Armitage-haul: thanks yet again to Guylty for all the hard work in the fundraiser and for the discreet fangirling items I was able to score! On to the next…

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