… and all is well!

Mr Esther’s gall bladder surgery went well. I know it’s a relatively common procedure and doesn’t take too long but still, I was worried. That was my soul mate they operated on, everything just HAD to go well and luckily it did. 🙂

Mr Esther has never had any gall bladder complaints before until Wednesday evening when the pain started and soon became intense. Turns out it wasn’t just gall stones that were bothering him, his whole gall bladder was completely infected. The surgeon called me after surgery and told me the gall bladder had been ‘close to death’, it’s good that it’s removed now. They want to keep Mr Esther in the hospital for a few days for observation, give him antibiotics and make sure the infection is gone. Hopefully he can come home again after the weekend. They gave us a little pot of gall stones that came out of him…


… and my goodness, I can’t believe he never had complaints before! He’s still groggy after surgery. We left him an hour and a half ago so that he could sleep a little. Going in to see him again in an hour. Thankfully all is well and all he has to do now is have the patience to recover.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts, support and reassurance!

31 thoughts on “… and all is well!

  1. Good to hear this! I know from myself that going through a medical treatment or surgery, even a minor or routine one, makes me feel odd each time…. And it would be the same with regards to my husband too, so I completely get your feelings and your relief! Best wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So good to hear everything went well. In a sort of perverse way it was a good thing that the pain had become so bad that he went to see the doctor – with that infection it sounds pretty serious. Glad to know that he is well looked-after in hospital.
    And ooh – I envy you for the gall stones! I would’ve liked to have mine, too, but the Irish hospital did not dally with such fripperies. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

        1. The do look like little pebbles, sound like it too when you shake the pot! The dr warned us to not open the pot as apparently it really smells. So far, we haven’t been tempted. 🙂
          Yes, huge relief that all ended well.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Zum Glück ist alles gut verlaufen. Ich habe schon 2 Freunde die das gleiche durchgemacht haben… es lebt sich ganz gut ohne
    Liebe Grüsse an deinen göttergatten und Big hugs for you

    Liked by 1 person

  4. squirrel.0072

    Passée par cette épreuve , je lui apporte tout mon soutien. Ce type de pathologie est bénigne, si elle est prise à temps. Mais si la personne est âgée ou si la nécrose est importante, les infections peuvent être très graves. Je suis contente de la rapidité de cette prise en charge. Il va pouvoir se remettre doucement, avec quelques kilogrammes en moins et des souvenirs: quelle belle collection de cailloux!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. squirrel.0072

        Ma fille a passé 5 jours à Amsterdam, la semaine dernière. Le logement était horrible: peinture écaillée, sanitaires communs…Elle a cassé son téléphone portable, à cause d’une chute. Son ordinateur portable a été cassé, lors du trajet aller en avion. De plus, lors du retour en bus, elle a été contrôlée par la douane volante. Tout a été fouillé. Le chien avait détecté de la poudre dans sa valise (sûrement récupérée sur les vêtements dans l’appartement). J’en suis malade rétrospectivement.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Here we go again | The Book of Esther

  6. Pingback: Life’s a rollercoaster… | The Book of Esther

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