This and that

Gosh, I really do have a lot of internet stuff to catch up on! But first had to finish this Miss Fisher video set to a Fred Astaire song. I felt the lyrics quite suited Jack’s story. 🙂

I have always loved Fred Astaire! Here, have him and Ginger Rogers on roller skates!

In other news: the first new Bridget Jones movie trailer has been released (Bridget Jones’s Baby). I’m not sure what to think of it. It all seems such a rehash of the the first two movies… Of course I will have to see it when it comes out because of, well, Colin! And Emma Thompson is in it too! But I don’t know if I like this whole “I don’t know who the father is” scenario…

There are some Richard tidbits too… looks like he’s had a fun Easter…

And now there’s Armitage & the chimps (sounds like a 60s band name)! Richard seems to have joined yet another cause, going by a tweet picture posted by his co-star Michelle Forbes…

Armitage & the chimps

No idea what this is about yet, and I love Richard’s good heart, but his cause-supporting is all over the place, influenced by whatever project he is working on or whatever co-star he is working with. I wonder which cause is truly closest to his heart?

Outta here, real life beckons…

15 thoughts on “This and that

  1. Elanor

    RA scheint sich (vielleicht angeregt von Michelle?) für einen Schimpansen einzusetzen, der allein auf einer Insel lebt und der früher für die medizinische Forschung “benutzt” worden war (sehr schwieriges Thema). Bei “spiegel online” kannst du den Artikel “Einsamer Affe: Ponsos Insel” finden. Hier werden die Hintergründe erklärt. Das NY Blood Center wird sich nicht mehr so einfach aus seiner Verantwortung stehlen können.
    Die Kämpferin für Tierrechte hat die Herren wieder mal in Schwung gebracht. Schau, sie guckt todernst und die beiden (eher) gottergeben 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ich muss soooooooo lachen, um diesen Satz von Dir: “Die Kämpferin für Tierrechte hat die Herren wieder mal in Schwung gebracht. Schau, sie guckt todernst und die beiden (eher) gottergeben”!
      Danke! 🙂 🙂


        1. Elanor

          Habt ihr gesehen? Servetus hat das ganze Frauengedöns und das “Los-Jungs-wir-müssen-wieder-mal-die-gute-und-gerechte-Sache-unterstützen” herausgeschnitten und sich auf das absolut Wesentliche konzentriert – recht hat sie! “kicher”

          Liked by 2 people

  2. squirrel. 0072

    J’espère qu’il n’aura pas la triste destinée de notre fameuse ex star française Brigitte Bardot : égérie de la cause animale, elle aussi.
    I hope he will not have the sad destiny of our famous former French star Brigitte Bardot: muse of the animal cause, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sparkhouse1

    I have no idea what the chimps are about either — I find it hard to imagine these people not feeding them for whatever reason…maybe Michelle should send some food or money? I will have to find out I guess. Good question though, is RA supporting some of these causes or supporting co-workers who support these causes. There is a lot of misery in the world; as much as I love RA perhaps it is time he support a cause whole-heartedly and make a difference rather than random hits and misses here and there.

    Liked by 4 people

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