Fingers on Fire

So, yes, I finally got to see Brain on Fire last night! Found a way to watch it and I couldn’t resist… 🙂 Warning: some SPOILERS ahead, proceed at your own risk!

Brain on Fire tells the true story of young journalist Susannah Cahalan (Chloë Grace Moretz) who starts showing erratic behaviour, she deteriorates into psychoses, and is hospitalized while the doctors can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with her. The movie is all about this deterioration process and the search for answers by her, her divorced parents Tom (Richard Armitage) and Rhona (Carrie-Anne Moss) and her boyfriend Stephen (Thomas Mann).

So, what did I think of the movie? The acting was fine, the camera really likes Richard Armitage (he gets some nice close-ups), Moretz did a decent job, Moss (under-used!) and Mann were good, but the story was… a little tedious. Can’t quite put my finger on it why this movie did not ignite for me, but I think maybe it was because the story was fully focussed on the process of Susannah’s decline and the mystery surrounding her illness, where I had hoped it would be more character driven. Of course, as an Armitage fan, I was particularly interested in the characterization for Tom and it was not what I had hoped either. I remember from reading the book that this search for the truth brought Susannah closer to her father, also due to his diaries he wrote at the time, but I saw little of that in the movie. He and Susannah seemed OK with each other from the start (yes, he was a little annoyed with her sometimes, but no more or less than any parent would be) and he was happy with her in the end. Richard played the worried father very well (he was even scary sometimes when he got angry and felt helpless) but other than the worry and the relief at the end, there wasn’t that much character development for him here, I felt. Oh, and as an outsider, I thought he did a good American accent! End verdict for me: the movie was fine and I will watch it again (especially Richard’s bits) but, alas, it wasn’t a masterpiece movie.

My so-so opinion of the movie didn’t stop my screencapping fingers – they were on fire as I screencapped quite a lot of Richard in this. Finally, some new Richard-work for me to sink my teeth into! Alas, the caps aren’t high-resolution, but they are still lovely to look at. Be warned, there are lots! This post isn’t titled “fingers on fire” for nothing…

This is from the beginning of the movie, Tom working the BBQ, meeting Susannah’s boyfriend and celebrating Susannah’s birthday…

BOF Richard Armitage (3)BOF Richard Armitage (2)BOF Richard Armitage (6)BOF Richard Armitage (4)BOF Richard Armitage (5)BOF Richard Armitage (9)BOF Richard Armitage (7)BOF Richard Armitage (8)

Tom visiting his daughter’s apartment…

BOF Richard Armitage (11)BOF Richard Armitage (12)BOF Richard Armitage (13)BOF Richard Armitage (14)BOF Richard Armitage (15)BOF Richard Armitage (16)

In Susannah’s apartment after she gets home from a first stay in hospital…

BOF Richard Armitage (18)BOF Richard Armitage (19)BOF Richard Armitage (20)BOF Richard Armitage (22)

Rhona and Tom discussing their daughter. Also, Tom’s reactions to his daughter’s odd behaviour during dinner…

BOF Richard Armitage (23)BOF Richard Armitage (24)BOF Richard Armitage (25)BOF Richard Armitage (26)BOF Richard Armitage (27)BOF Richard Armitage (28)BOF Richard Armitage (29)BOF Richard Armitage (30)

Worried at the hospital…

BOF Richard Armitage (37)BOF Richard Armitage (39)BOF Richard Armitage (40)BOF Richard Armitage (42)BOF Richard Armitage (43)

Tom watching over his daughter…

BOF Richard Armitage (44)BOF Richard Armitage (47)

In the doctor’s office, desperate because there are no answers…

BOF Richard Armitage (48)BOF Richard Armitage (49)BOF Richard Armitage (50)BOF Richard Armitage (51)BOF Richard Armitage (52)BOF Richard Armitage (53)BOF Richard Armitage (55)BOF Richard Armitage (56)BOF Richard Armitage (57)

Worried at the hospital and Tom comforting Susannah’s boyfriend…

BOF Richard Armitage (58)BOF Richard Armitage (60)BOF Richard Armitage (61)BOF Richard Armitage (62)BOF Richard Armitage (63)BOF Richard Armitage (64)BOF Richard Armitage (65)

More worries…

BOF Richard Armitage (69)BOF Richard Armitage (70)BOF Richard Armitage (71)BOF Richard Armitage (72)

Talking with Rhona and then standing alone in the dark. I love the standing alone in the dark shot (and there’s the diary in his hand, which has no place at all in the storyline).

BOF Richard Armitage (73)BOF Richard Armitage (74)BOF Richard Armitage (75)BOF Richard Armitage (77)

Worries, then finally some good news, smiles and a tearful release…

BOF Richard Armitage (78)BOF Richard Armitage (79)BOF Richard Armitage (81)BOF Richard Armitage (82)BOF Richard Armitage (84)BOF Richard Armitage (85)BOF Richard Armitage (86)BOF Richard Armitage (87)

And I think this is my fave screencap.. hugs after the relieving news of a diagnosis… I just love those smile crinkles!

BOF Richard Armitage (88)

And then the happy ending… Susannah recovering and daddy Tom happily supporting her…

BOF Richard Armitage (92)BOF Richard Armitage (93)BOF Richard Armitage (94)BOF Richard Armitage (95)BOF Richard Armitage (96)BOF Richard Armitage (97)BOF Richard Armitage (98)

So, yeah, this may not be the greatest movie ever but it offers lots of Richard-goodies! Papa Richard is a lovely sight to behold. ❤