Black Cat Day

Apparently today it’s Black Cat Appreciation Day, so here two pics of our black cat begging for dinner this evening.

To quote the website I linked to above:

This special day of the year is now used to remind us all of the value of black cats, to dispel prejudices and to encourage people to give a new home to black cats left behind at animal shelters.

Our cat was just such a black cat, a kitten at the time. There were many kittens at the shelter when we came by to adopt one and the only kittens still available where three or so black ones. We have adored the black kitten we picked from day one and she’s been glued to us from the beginning.

She’s the most cuddly cat, she still lies on or near us whenever she can, she is very soft, she is quick and very agile, she hasn’t murdered anything for quite a while now (that we know of), she prefers us to cats (she doesn’t like other cats very much), we have regular Dutch – Meow conversations with each other and we sure do appreciate her. Black cats are awesome!

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