
Just a quick little post between meetings to share with the world that I have that Billy Joel song Pressure stuck in my head on loop. I woke up with it in my head this morning and it won’t go away. It’s all because of this little scene with Bobby (Peter Krause) and Athena (Angela Bassett) from the beginning of season 2 of 9-1-1, so it’s not terrible if the song doesn’t go away. The song is good and the scene even better.

Athena saying, “On a day like this, they get overheated and start to smoulder”, Bobby’s response, “Yeah, they do” and the way they walk to each other gets me in the pit of my stomach every time, followed by a lovely bout of kissing that is cut off too soon. Here’s that kiss in gif…

I have caught up with all 9-1-1 episodes over the weekend (yes, Herba, I have now also seen the alpacas episode 😊) and before heading for bed last night, re-watched bits and pieces of that first season 2 episode. Watching that scene again (a few times) must account for why this song got stuck in my head over night in the first place.

Anyway, must get back to the pressure of work now, although my pressure is nothing like the kind of pressure first responders need to deal with.

7 thoughts on “Pressure

  1. Servetus

    I *do* like Angela Bassett. I also loved that song from the moment I heard it on the radio. I was on the school bus in the morning, getting on, and those strings just stopped me in their tracks.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Servetus

        I have a few memories like that, songs that immediately take me back to where I was when I first heard them. “King of Pain” (the Police) is another one.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL! Yeah, I too learned something new about alapacas. 🙂 I think one of the writers must have read on wikipedia about “Beserk llama syndrome”:
          ”When the cria reaches maturity, the llama can not distinguish humans from other llamas and may try to demonstrate their dominance. Adult male inter-llama interaction can be rough, including chest-ramming, charging, leg-wrestling, and biting, and they are strongly territorial. In some severe cases, llamas suffering from BLS may sneak up to their owners and attack them from behind.”

          Liked by 1 person

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