Priest Richard (very fresh)

The priest project announced last year is still on!

I’ve once before expressed my enthusiasm for priests (the kind ones, not the creepy, abusive ones) and am looking forward to seeing Richard as one. If he looks anything like this, I’m a goner, no matter how good or bad the story will be…

Richard’s already had some practice! He can do communion…

… and pray…

… and hold a bible while charmingly interrogating people…

I think he’s all set for this! I’m hoping filming really can begin in February and that there will be no Corona virus surge stopping that.

On a side note and speaking of Corona, I just received a news notification that today is the first day where no Corona deaths have been reported in The Netherlands since the beginning of March! I so hope we can keep this up here and that this will start happening everywhere.

In other news, some RA fans found another Richard Armitage commercial voice over…

It’s all very fresh, apparently (mentioned four times in 30 seconds)!

OK, enough distraction now, back to work and my next (and last) video meeting for the day.

28 thoughts on “Priest Richard (very fresh)

  1. That Father seems to me like the perfect fresh project we all might need?! 😘 I am also looking forward to this!
    Good to hear there have been no corona deaths as of today in NL! It’s a big success, though a fragile one… Let’s hope it stays like this!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Servetus

    I think this is at the level of “Clearance” (remember that? with the avantgarde Finnish director) — i.e., they will try to sell it (“Clearance” was actually sold). Whether it gets made is another matter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do remember Clearance, wonder if that will still ever be picked up again.
      Yeah, being sold at the Cannes Virtual Market – sounds like an optimistic way of saying “Please buy me.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Servetus

        yeah. At this point Armitage is “attached” to the film — but that doesn’t mean all that much. (Well, except in his case we know he is “fully committed.” LOL.)

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Servetus

            I always feel like fantasies about priests have a certain futility to them. I felt that way about Father Ralph, too, back in the day, but I was younger then and consummation wasn’t so much on my mind!

            Liked by 1 person

  3. I have the Seville Communion book just haven’t quite got round to reading it, same author as the Captain Alatrieste novels so should be good!
    The adverts made me goggle, they’re a Northern store originally so wonder if that had any impact on why he was chosen. Quite funny hearing him so perky.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I’m very happy if this project becomes a reality! I liked The Seville Communion novel and I can totally see RIchard as the investigating priest!
    I listened this morning to the voiceover on a pop quiz and guessed right 😉👍

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is exciting news and something to look forward too. Richard will look very fetching in a black cassock (hopefully he will be beard-free) and it is uplifting to think that filming will start again (fingers crossed). And what great news for the Netherlands – green shoots. Well I never, RA doing a Morrisons’ advert and yes he does sound perky. I might have missed it because my partner always mutes the volume for adverts, while I don’t care. He won’t mute this one!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, fight for your right to listen to Armitage, even if only for 30 seconds! 🙂

      RA in a black cassock is something I’m REALLY looking forward to… with beard of without, I’ll take both.

      Yes, great news on corona in NL, but we’re not out of the woods. Still new cases reported daily even though the numbers are very low. We mustn’t let ourselves be lulled into a false sense of security.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. You have some compelling arguments here why RA will be great in the role of Father Quark. With all my resentments aside, I’d also add “looks great in black” to your list 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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