Brexit protest – will it help?

Been catching up a little with the news again today after I took a small time-out for a few days because it all got a bit much. So, it seems yesterday there was a huge march in London protesting Brexit. Hundreds of thousands, maybe even a million, marched! March 29th as Brexit date is looming (only 5 more days!) and I doubt this protest will change much, but I can only hope. Protest signs last year during the Trump visit were good, signs protesting Brexit yesterday were just as good! As I’ve been reading, I’ve been collecting images. In support of protesting Brexit, here’s a collection of the signs I enjoyed most (click on images to enlarge).

The Revoke Article 50 petition is up to 5 and a quarter million signatures when I checked just now:

2019-03-24 22_38 Revole article 50 petition.

… but I doubt that even that will stop Brexit. I don’t think anything will stop it now, unfortunately, but I will keep on hoping.

12 thoughts on “Brexit protest – will it help?

  1. Servetus

    The only scenario I could have seen was May stepping down, which could have put a spanner in the works. But I don’t think that will happen short of an all out riot on the part of the Tories, in which case many of them would be just as happy to go out via “no deal.”

    I have a buddy who’s an EU expert / scholar / pundit. His theory is that the UK will leave, all kinds of horrible things will happen, and in about 30 years they will petition to rejoin after they not only realize what a mistake this was and how much it has weakened them, but the generation that voted for it so heavily dies off.

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  2. If only… is my short answer to your headline! Thete were many impressive signs yesterday carried through London with hope and despair..
    I am quite pessimistic atm. And predictions have failed thus far. Who would have imagined such a chaos???

    Liked by 1 person

  3. On a lighter note my two favorite signs were A Bexit Haiku which really says it all and the doggie with the sign around her/his neck, I’m being an optimist here that a last minute hell Mary pass w happen and w a delay until June enough pressure will happen to force a second referendum or an indefinite delay . I know wishful thinking here but we in the US are living under an autocrat that might very well get re-elected in 18 months 😬😱🤬

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    1. I loved the Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility one and the Maytrix one and yes, the Haiku one too! 🙂

      I’m usually a pretty optimistic person myself but I don’t think Brexit can be turned around anymore. Maybe, only maybe, a ‘No Deal’ can be avoided but Brexit will happen, I firmly believe that. And that makes me very very sad.

      Liked by 2 people

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