Peter Krause anyone?

A few years ago I watched a short lived tv series called The Catch which starred an actor called Peter Krause. I didn’t know him before that but instantly loved him on that show. The first season was good, the second less so, but through it all I really liked Peter Krause.

It turns out he already had a few hit series under his belt, like Six Feet Under and Parenthood but both are shows I have never seen before. About two years ago I watched seasons 1 and 2 of his latest show, called 9-1-1, about first responders in Los Angeles. I tuned in specifically for him.

He plays the fire department captain Bobby Nash, with some tough past baggage that he carries with him, and he eventually falls in love with policewoman Athena Grant (played by Angela Basset – man, that woman can give looks that kill!).

When I first researched Peter Krause, after I saw him in The Catch, it turned out that he’s the real life partner of Lauren Graham, who plays Lorelai Gilmore in my beloved Gilmore Girls. I just love that they’re a couple.

Anyway, this past week I’ve been binge-watching 9-1-1 again. I had been all caught up until almost the end of season 2 but had not gotten around to seasons 3 and 4 yet. Not sure anymore what brought me to it again but I refreshed my memory by re-watching bits and pieces before watching season 3 and am now progressing on to season 4. Although the world does seem to be ending every few episodes (fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, train crashes) I do really enjoy this show. There are also more mundane and some very weird cases in it, based off real life 911 calls, which are sometimes tragic but sometimes also quite funny.

The cast is diverse, which I love. Yes, there’s Peter Krause and Angela Bassett, who are awesome, but the rest of the cast is also good. I especially like Athena’s ex-husband played by Rockmond Dunbar (in the picture below on the left, I had also loved him on The Mentalist), Aisha Hinds (to the right of Krause) who plays an EMT married to a woman, Kenneth Choi (on the right) and the storyline of a firefigher played by Ryan Guzman who is the single dad to a boy with cerebral palsy.

Back to Peter Krause. There’s just something about him, in the way he looks into the world with a half smile and such a friendly face but so much hidden behind those open wide eyes as well.

He’s got me hooked again on this show and I love seeing him as the captain commandeering crisis situations, as the father figure for his team, as the man dealing with a difficult past, and in his marriage to Angela Bassett as Athena. I love that there is no endless will they/won’t they between them. They fall in love and get married all within one season and just get on with it, dealing with all that life throws at them (and that is a lot!).

I’m thinking that after I’m all caught up, I might go on to watching him in Six Feet Under and Parenthood. It’s always fun exploring an actor like that and I just like this guy. He’s been nominated for Emmys and Golden Globes for Six Feet Under and he did Parenthood with Lauren Graham (she plays his sister on that show). Have any of you seen those two shows? And if so, any thoughts to share?

Right, on to the premiere episode of season 4 now before we get around to dinner at the Esther household. Luckily, Mr Esther cooks, very much like Peter Krause does, who as Bobby is always cooking on the show.