About me & contact

Should you want to contact me privately, you can do so via the form at the bottom of this page or via e-mail at: bookestherblog@gmail.com.

Want to know more about me? Here goes:

This blog is about all these things that I love and more. I could write about politics and the environment and real life troubles and although I sometimes do, mostly I don’t want to! So, I guess this blog can be viewed as escapist in a way. On the other hand: movies, tv shows, books, Colin Firth and Richard Armitage are real, aren’t they?

10 thoughts on “About me & contact

    1. Er…. OK, I’ll try this. 🙂 Not sure how soon I can do this (pretty busy today in any case). Question: do I have to nominate the 5-11 bloggers? Won’t they already have done this? I don’t want to burden anyone else and as I’m new to all of this I don’t know that many bloggers…


  1. Esther, it’s meant to be fun and to learn a little bit about fellow bloggers. Definitely not meant to pressure you. I nominated you as a compliment but only do it if you have the time and inclination. I think I had my first nomination for two weeks before I got it done 🙂

    I had a hard time finding people I knew who hadn’t already been nominated so I think it’s fine if you skip that part. If you just answer the questions we’ll learn a little more about you. If you search the tag “Liebster Award” you’ll get to know some of your fellow bloggers a bit more.


    1. Oh, I don’t mind answering the questions, they sound fun! Just a little iffy on nominating others. I will definitely check out the Liebster award tag…. Thanks for the nomination, Richardtreehouse. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Just to poke in here, I also just answered the questions. I was delighted to be nominated, but like a few others, bloggers I would have nominated, already were tagged- so answer the q’s and have fun if you fee like it.


    1. Danke, danke, danke! Ich gehe auf Untersuchung aus. Glaub nicht, dass ich dahin kann (ich sehe, dass es im Süden von Belgien ist – mindestens 3 Stunden fahren und wenig Zeit im Terminkalender) aber wer weiss… 🙂 Auf jeden Fall herzlichen Dank für diese Info!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: 2018 RA Fan challenge, part A to E | The Book of Esther

  4. Pingback: To my fellow librarians – The Book of Esther

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