9 thoughts on “Brexit day today…

  1. Esther I honestly never thought this would happen
    I thought a year ago surely people will come to their senses and rethink the damage this exit will do economically politically socially
    Just still in a state of shock and scared to death DT will get re elected

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  2. Servetus

    As I was flying into London (on a BA flight), the entertainment screen kept showing different perspectives of the last hour of the flight, and one thing that became clear to me watching (I do occasionally teach world geography so you would think that I would have thought about this earlier) is how much England is simply one land mass among several that surround the North Sea, English channel, etc. It’s not simply notionally part of Europe, it is physically and geographically part of Europe. Given current communications and travel technologies the separation is increasingly meaningless (the protests of those who want to cut off England from various global influences like immigration notwithstanding). The world is getting smaller and smaller. I think that in the medium term these facts will not be denied and toward the end of our lifetimes (maybe two decades from now) there will be a re-union. I hope so anyway. Massive own goal for England (and let’s say it that way since it’s clear that N Ireland and Scotland did not want this step). It remains to be seen how bad the damage has to get before they reassess and reapproach Europe.

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    1. squirrel.0072

      🙂 This morning when I went to work by car, I listened to “France Inter Radio”. Was recited by an actor from the Comédie Française, a tirade on the nature in Roy Lewis’ novel: “The Evolution Man” or book: “What We Did to Father”. I was stuck. The guest of the show was the paleoanthropologist: Pascal Pic. This scientist presented his last book “Sapiens face à Sapiens” whose object of work is: “To return to the origins of our humanity to explain the current mutations”. I hope you could read or listen to it in English language.


      1. squirrel.0072

        “Uncle Vania against Astrov”
        I meant, 2 Uncles Vania (Uncle Vania against Astrov)with different view points.
        The journalist and the team were telling that in the book of Roy Lewis, “Uncle Vania, like the famous character of Chekhov, ecologist before time, fears any change and wishes to continue living in symbiosis with nature”.

        Here the actor and the tirade of Roy Lewis book:


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