Blog FAQ… sorta…

As those of you blogging on WordPress may know, you can see what search terms were used by people who have found your site. Most terms are not recorded due to privacy issues, but some searches do make it ‘on record’. The latest one I saw on my stats list today is “audrey hepburn showing middle finger” in Russian (I had to google-translate it)! Oh, that made me laugh!

Many of the search terms used are general ones about Richard Armitage or Colin Firth or Simon Baker and The Mentalist but some search terms are just downright intriguing, interesting or funny! I find myself reacting to some of these searches as if they were frequently asked questions posed to me. It’s a nice little game to play.

So, here goes, the “FAQ’s” that lead to my blog! Well, not really… sorta… (most of these questions are only mentioned once on my list). 🙂

audrey hepburn showing middle finger – Hahaha! Now that I’d like to see… When googling it I find this manipulated photo/gif, apparently it’s a thing!



images eddie redmayne socks – What is special about Eddie Redmayne’s socks? I can’t seem to figure it out but I’d love to know. So, if anyone can elaborate, please feel free to do so. Maybe his socks are very colourful, just like Richard Armitage’s seem to be?


richard armitage beautiful man – Well, yeah, can’t argue against that! If you read this blog, you will know that that is a fact of life for me.

RA Woof


james cromwell in a fairy film – Apparently when you type that into google, my site is the first one to come up! I guess the search must have been for the movie Babe. Yeah, I blogged about that once. Lovely film!

JC fairy film search


i absolutely love colin firth – Me too! He features regularly on my blog!


is alistair appleton married? – I confess that I don’t know. He occasionally presents Escape to the Country on the BBC, he’s a Buddhist, he’s a psychotherapist and gives workshops, it says on wikipedia that he’s ‘openly gay’, he has his own site and blog! Every time I look at him I am filled with warm feelings. It’s something in his eyes and a kindness in his face.


richard spandex – Ah, yes! Looks like that could become a thing maybe? Sadly it looks like we will never get to see Richard Armitage in spandex now that he won’t be in the Mid Life Crisis movie anymore (not that spandex was guaranteed in that movie by any means). The closest thing to an image of Richard in spandex (that I know of) is the picture of him in that dragon suit for Hannibal.

RA Dragon

Of course, this question may have nothing to do with Armitage at all but could be about any Richard out there… This is what my ‘richard spandex’ search came up with in the first few images displayed (be warned when clicking on them, there’s at least one quite graphic image amongst these 😉 ):


richard armitage bare chest AND richard armitage crucible naked – He wasn’t actually naked in The Crucible but yes, he definitely was bare chested in it for a little bit! Wish I had been sitting on the front row in the theatre for that, but luckily it can all be viewed beautifully again and again on Digital Theatre.

armitage proctor @washbasin


wet mr darcy – Yes, please.

In fact, the post I once did on wet shirts and bare chests is still quite well read… 😉

andy serkis shirtless – I see a search theme emerging here… I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Andy Serkis shirtless! I have seen him in spandex, or whatever that tight stuff is that he has to wear for his CGI work.

serkis gollum cgi.jpg


michael palin the hobbit – Alas, no, Michael Palin wasn’t in The Hobbit. More’s the pity…

daughter is in jail – Well, she’s only 12. I suppose juvenile detention could be an option but no, I have not seen real criminal tendencies in my daughter yet.

how do you say, “happy belated birthday”, in czech? – Even though I have been to the Czech Republic (and the next visit is coming right up, this time to the East right near Poland), I have not learned to speak Czech yet. Google Translate says that “belated happy birthday” translates as”opožděné přání k narozeninám“. Not at all sure how you pronounce that and of course I can not vouch for the correctness of the translation.

is the book of esther a comedy – No, can’t say that it is. Not this one and not the Bible one either. Although maybe some parts could be funny-ish.

was the book of esther about love – This Book of Esther blog is about things that I love and care about, so in that sense, yes. The Book of Esther in the Bible (incidentally, I was named after that Esther) is about love too. The Persian king loves Esther, Esther loves her people and saves them from persecution. I can’t quite remember whether Esther actually falls in love with King Ahasverus herself, but yeah, lots of things are done in the name of love in that Bible book.

Megillat Esther


boys sexy 3 piece suits – Oh, yes please! I’ve blogged about that too.

esther rose thomas lovely deaf signer – For a moment I thought it said ‘singer’ but it says ‘signer’. I’ve never heard of her, but she sounds and looks lovely!

jisbon fun photo – Which one? I hope you found it! (For those not in the know: Jisbon is the ‘shipper’ name for Patrick Jane and Theresa Lisbon from The Mentalist). I get quite a lot of searches about The Mentalist, Simon Baker and about his wife Rebecca Rigg. They truly are a gorgeous couple worth searching for.


call the midwife mark strong – Nope, Mark Strong was never in Call the Midwife. I do get quite a lot of Mark Strong searches, but alas, I haven’t blogged about him that much. I do like him, though!

marta dusseldorp nose – Ah, the lead actress in A Place to Call Home! Yes, her nose does have quite a distinctive shape (click on images to enlarge). I love distinctive noses. In fact, her co-star Brett Climo has a distinctive one as well! Just like some other people I know.


chris armitage brother of richard armitage – This is the most used search term in my list, which surprises me because I don’t think I have ever blogged about Richard’s family! I know nothing about them except for their names (except for Richard’s sister-in-law’s name) and that they come from Leicester.

have a beautiful day my love – Thank you!! You too!

20 thoughts on “Blog FAQ… sorta…

      1. True that his face and expression radiates openness and warmth 😊and need to talk to that casting department We need Mark Strong on call the midwife 😉and more Colin Firth movies of course 😊Richard ones too though I’m getting cautious about hope on subjects there… sigh. Looks like a long wait for a truly satisfying and emotionally fulfilling film with him…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You work for the BBC, do your best re Alistair! 😉
          Mark on Call the Midwife! I’m in! Is there something you could do there as well? 😉
          Yeah on the long Richard wait… I wish something he has done would get released already…
          As for Colin, he’s got a few projects in the pipeline that will be seen, so that’s something!

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Servetus

    Esther does not fall in love with Ahasuerus. For better or for worse. And I always wonder what Armitage is thinking in that picture of him in the dragon outfit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I too wonder!
      As for Esther – yeah, I thought that was the case that she doesn’t fall in love. I just couldn’t remember for sure and didn’t bother to research it. I was secretly counting on some of my smart readers here to just know. 😉


      1. Servetus

        Not so much smart as habituated after hearing the story read aloud almost every year for the last two decades. It’s an odd story, I find, but Esther is a wonderful heroine. She’s got it all!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Last time I heard the Esther story was during the time my niece did her bat-mitzvah 3 years ago, but it was all in Hebrew and, amazing as that may sound, I don’t really speak Hebrew… before that I don’t know how along ago it was since I heard it.
          Yes, I was always proud of the fact that I was named after her! When I lived in Israel as a girl we’d join in Purim celebrations and I would always dress up as… Queen Esther! Yeah, not terribly original…

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Servetus

        Google chooses those results based on combinations of words that appear most often on your blog (so, incidentally, by doing a post like this where you make the terms searchable by typing them as opposed to screencapping them, you increase the likelihood that even more searchers will get your blog as a result), or, if it’s a combination that doesn’t appear very often, your blog can rise to the head of its search results. This is why for several years there were words that I avoided using — to prevent search engines from linking those topics to my blog. Search results have gotten less interesting since the advent of the protected search, so I haven’t looked at mine in a while, but i used to get results for Armitage Agonistes all the time, too.


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