“Absolutely no cause for alarm”

Something about this whole Brexit campagne made me think of this brilliantly funny John Cleese, Graham Chapman and Michael Palin (3 members of the Monty Python team) sketch…

I want to snap out of the glum and Monty Python is always a good idea…

Right, that’s it. I need to stop relating everything to Brexit. This blog is all over the place, but even so, it isn’t meant to be too political. For my own sanity (and the sanity of those reading) I  will try to let go for a bit and just hope for the best! My mind needs a rest…

26 thoughts on ““Absolutely no cause for alarm”

  1. I have to say I have been soaking up all the articles and tweets and posts on the topic. I had stayed away from politics for a good while (general frustration with the lack of interest in politics of most of my SM contacts), and the experience of discussing Brexit has totally revived my own willingness to put my opinion out there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Servetus

      The issue I find is the information level. I talk a lot of politics IRL with people who are really informed. It’s frustration in fandom to have these conversations with people at a much lower information level. Plus the whole problem that SM creates in discussing politics with relative strangers.


      1. Well, I have kept politics out of my fan-related SM activities. But I used to be quite active on my personal FB, which includes a large number of politically active/aware people. And still, the response was disappointing, so I completely threw in the towel. Judging by the feedback on my – rare – political post yesterday, however, people are shocked out of their inertia. I have never had so many replies on a political statement…

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I’ve stayed OUT of the forums because I really don’t know alot about the EU anything. I have friends on BOTH sides of the issues and I find it amazing that the one good friend I have who I am REALLY opposed to politically, voted to leave, which I didn’t expect.

          Either way, I’ve kept my mouth shut…. pretty much. I don’t know enough about it and again, my debating skills are pretty nil.


          1. Re. your surprise that a friend who is politically very much opposed to you voted Leave. Knowing that you are conservative, that friend must have been on the left. So, no wonder she/he voted Leave. The Left is by and large against the EU, seeing it only as nationalism at another level.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. See I really don’t understand your version of left and right. Over here, it is the Conservative Right screaming the most about the Refugees and the Illegals from Latin America. That’s why tRump has made such an inroad with Conservatives here, his vow to export them all (even tho the truth is it’s really unfeasible to do so.) They don’t hear anything else he says, or does. It’s appalling.


              1. I know, it’s a bit confusing. I am way out of line with the (left) party line in this case, because I am completely for Remain and in general am a believer in the European Union.

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              2. I suppose I should just sit down and do my own research. Listening to everyone else Remain, not remain, Go Away, Bye, waaaaaaaaaaaaaitaminute….

                As it stands, I’m appalled at the report that many people waited until AFTER the vote to look the whole thing up. You’re supposed to do your research before, not after, kwim?

                Of course, when I should do research, I don’t know. I”m trying to find time to write and finish my Big Bang and I just showed off my 95% done Living Room… and I have a sick kitty. Poor baby.


              3. Servetus

                Not that I want to defend the vote for a minute, but that article was questionable. Nobody knows why anyone googles anything. Could have been people who voted Remain as well as people who voted Leave.


              4. Again, I don’t know. I prefer to do my own research than let the media or neighbors or others decide for me. That’s why I’ve really not said anything: I don’t know squat about it.


              5. Servetus

                Well, my point is kind of that no one does. Evidence available was insufficient to draw the conclusion announced.


              6. Yes, that appalled me too, about people only researching after the vote, if that is true. After all, it was just a google search history people based this conclusion on.


      2. squirrel.0072

        Si pour vous c’est frustrant, pour nous c’est très instructif.
        N’y a t-il pas plus de satisfactions à recevoir d’un auditoire, que lorsque l’on arrive à l’instruire, à le sortir de l’ignorance? Je fais de la vulgarisation médicale tous les jours et y trouve pas seulement des raisons de flatter mon égo.
        Ne sous estimez pas les capacités intellectuelles des fans présents sur votre blog, Vous trouverez d’autres satisfactions sur d’autres sujets de conversation avec eux.
        La qualité appelle la qualité; si vous ne leur parler que de sujets futiles comme: l’anatomie (in “where you would like to kiss R Armitage”) , vous ne trouverez que des réponses futiles …
        If for you it is frustrating, for us it is very instructive.
        Are there not more satisfaction to receive from an audience, that when it comes to learn, to get out of ignorance? I do medical outreach every day and there is not only reason to flatter my ego.
        Do not underestimate the intellectual abilities of the fans on your blog, you will find other satisfactions on other topics of conversation with them.
        Quality call quality; if you talk to them as trivial subjects such as: anatomy (in “where you Would like to kiss R Armitage”), you will find only trivial answers …
        Hope I’m not bullying ! Sorry Serv Ilike you so much.


        1. Servetus

          No offense. There are all kinds of things on the blog from the trivial to the profound and I make no apologies for that, because I think of all kinds of things from the trivial to the profound. “I contain multitudes,” to quote a Walt Whitman poem that is quite popular at the moment.

          The point of the blog isn’t politics, it’s my journey as an Armitage fan. If I wanted to be blogging about politics, I would. I spend a LOT of time talking politics elsewhere and in my real life (and used to teach these things) and one reason I spend less time on it on the blog is that the vast majority of Armitage fans are nowhere near as interested in politics as I am so they just don’t know as much as I do. In short, the Armitage blog is not my whole intellectual life and there are different places in my life for different discussions. Until recently it’s been easier to maintain this division because Armitage had said practically nothing about politics. If he’s going to say more about politics, I might as well. Although I might not, either. Because there’s a big part of me that enjoys jokes and frivolity and giggling about his latest pair of jeans.


        2. I wouldn’t call this bullying, Squirrel, but would prefer you not making personal comments about other blogs. Maybe next time you could use more general terms? Having said that, thanks for your thoughts!
          I can’t speak for other blogs but I think you mean this blog also has some intellectual merit as this discussion takes place here? The discussions here the last few days have been very instructive for me as well and I have really enjoyed them but for me, I have to say that I love frivolity too! When I started this blog, I never meant it to be extremely serious or political, it’s mostly me fangirling about all sorts of things close to my heart. And yes, sometimes I just need to vent about serious stuff that really preoccupies me as well, but I mostly try to refrain from that..
          People can get very riled up about politics (these past few days are the best example for that) and, as someone who doesn’t necessarily deal too well with conflict, I try to avoid posts that could raise too much conflict. So, I can understand if people say they have refrained from discussing issues such as these on their own blogs. After all, I tend to avoid it here too. But sometimes something is just so important to me that I don’t care if what I write could cause conflict. That has been the case for me with this whole Brexit-thing. Now, however, this constant Brexit-spotlight is exhausting me, so I think I need to get back to frivolity and fangirling again soon, for my own sanity.


  2. Oh Esther, ich habe sooo gelacht! Ganz herzlichen Dank!!! Ich kannte den airplane sketch noch nicht und er ist grandios. Wie mache ich aus Nichts einen Elefanten? Herrlich, schwarzer Humor at its best! Aber so sind die Briten halt, always look on the bright side…… egal was gerade passiert ist 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Freut mich das ich Dich zum Lachen gebracht habe. Humor ist wichtig. 🙂
      Der Airplane Sketch ist von einem John Cleese Sketch-Film genannt “How to irritate people” – genau genommen also nicht Monty Python, obwohl Pythons mitspielen.

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